Over the road shipping can be one of the most reliable ways to get cargo across the border, but it will require some extra coordination in comparison to domestic trucking. If you are new to the import/export process across the US-Mexican border, you will want to explore your options for coordinating international drivers to get your goods where they need to go. Keep reading for a closer look at the steps you should take.
Ensure Proper Licensing
Commercial trucking requires specific licensing, and drivers who operate vehicles on both sides of the border will need the proper certification to do so. Not all shipping companies can offer services on both sides of the border, so it’s essential to find qualified drivers.
Seek Translation Services
One problem you might run into more frequently with international shipping is a language barrier. If you are not fluent in Spanish, it may be beneficial to seek out translation services to be sure that you effectively coordinate when and where your shipment will arrive. Simple translation errors might result in complex shipping errors, so be sure that you get the help you need ahead of time.
Enlist a Third-Party Logistics Company
It can be difficult to coordinate multiple shipping services to get your goods to their destination, so you might call on a dedicated logistics company to do the organizing for you. Because logistics companies partner with all kinds of shipping professionals, they can coordinate the exact services you need while saving you time and money.
Are you looking for logistics solutions to help you conduct international business? The ILS Company can help with multiple shipping partners specializing in moving cargo across the border. To learn more about what we can do, visit us online or call a member of our dispatch team at 1-800-ILS-9712.